Sunday, March 29, 2015


As of the beginning of this month, I've stepped away from House Cup professorship duties so I can refocus on family and work, and I'm missing the interaction with the staff and students, but I know it's for the best right now.

I'm refocusing my crafting time for some gifts, birthday and wedding, and although it will be extremely strange being able to craft when and where I want, without the constriction of crafting within the calendar month or several months for OWL, Missions, or NEWTs, it may be a bit liberating. That, or I just won't get a bloody thing done on time. We shall see!

I haven't gotten any other blocks done for the GAL, and I'm frankly putting it into hibernation. I've written out all the WIPs I have, either hibernating or active, and I really have too many to be completed in any realistic timeframe. I have to go through them and cull out those I don't want/need anymore, and just frog them. I don't have the energy to do it today, but I plan to do so over the next couple of weeks - something I'd usually think about doing during Break Month, lol. Seems I can't get out of the Term cycles easily, and that's ok. It's a great discipline, and I hope to return to active student status someday.

Enough for now, I have to get back to a huge, cabled wedding afghan, Lord help me! At least the wedding isn't until December. Let's see if I can get 'er done in time to ship cross country, before the wedding, this time.

Hacked again, sigh...

So I think I've figured out how my wee blog was hacked yet again, and hopefully have put in safeguards to prevent it from happening again. Hopefully!  Otherwise, I'll have to take this one down and try again with a different blog host. We'll see.